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Jamp! Physical Therapy, Inc.

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Sigmund Freud Target: Legs
While holding a barbell, squat as if to use the toilet, then stand up. Repeat several times, until your legs hurt.
Ivan Pavlov Target: Abs
This one's pretty easy. You start by laying down, like you probably already do a lot, then you stick your legs straight up and count to some arbitrary number.
Joey Park Target: Unknown
This one's a bit trickier than our others. None of our therapists can actually do it themselves, except maybe Joey. So ask him, or just look at the picture and try to copy if he isn't here. He's usually here though. Dude works a lot.
Abraham Maslow Target: Everything
Simply squat down to pick up the ball, and stand up to hold it over your head.
Ball not included.
Carl Rogers Target: Legs
Sideways jumping jack squats. What's not to get?
Erik Erikson Target: Arms and legs
Stand on one leg, then proceed to hit yourself in the chin with a weight.
Stand on other leg and repeat.